What are the fastest options you offer and how much does each cost?

  • Our prices are fixed and all-inclusive, so you know exactly how much our solutions cost upfront, with no hidden fees or fine print. Every option we provide includes white-glove relocation, premium dementia care, 24/7 monitoring, high caregiver-to-resident ratios, personalized meals, and twice-weekly massages. Our long-term dementia care (memory care) solutions are $3,500 per month, and guaranteed at that price for life.

    At the moment we offer a Rapid Relocation option ($38,000 one-time cost, $3,500 per month): Full relocation within 30 days. For more details check out our [Cost] page.

What does your service do for families in crisis?

  • We offer immediate solutions for families facing a sudden decline in their loved one’s dementia. We provide rapid response and placement into high-quality dementia care facilities abroad (currently only Thailand but we are considering the Philippines and Bali), including full-service transportation, medical care coordination, and ongoing support. We take care of every step to ensure your loved one gets the best care quickly and safely.

    [Schedule a call to learn more]

Do you only service the US?

  • Yes, we only service the United States.

How can you solve our crisis quickly?

  • Our process is designed to move fast. We can secure a place in a top dementia care facility and arrange transportation within days or weeks, depending on the circumstances. Our experienced team handles all logistics, including visas, flights, and on-the-ground care, so you don’t have to manage the overwhelming details during this critical time.

    [Schedule a call to learn more]

Is this a scam? How can you offer so much for so little?

  • No, this is not a scam. The real scam is the U.S. assisted living and dementia care industry.

  • In the U.S., dementia care costs are primarily driven by the high cost of labor and large corporations maximizing profit for investors. In Thailand, by contrast, the cost of labor is approximately one-tenth of the U.S., and caregiving facilities tend to be independently owned and operated. Also consider the following factors.

    • Top Talent: In Thailand, elderly caregiving is a high-status profession that attracts top talent​—intelligent, educated, compassionate young people who take pride in their work.

    • Cultural Respect for the Elderly: Thailand has deep-rooted respect for the elderly, ​ensuring your loved one is treated with care and dignity.

    • Larger Staff: Due to lower labor costs, care facilities can employ a larger staff, which ​allows for a more personalized, higher-quality care experience.

How come I’ve never heard of this before, are you the first of your kind?

  • Yes, to the best of our knowledge, we're the first service specializing in relocating dementia patients to high-quality, affordable care abroad. This is a new approach, which is why many haven’t heard of it yet, but more families are starting to explore it as a better alternative to U.S. care options.

Is it really safe and possible to move my loved one overseas in a crisis?

  • In almost all cases, yes. We operate on a fit-to-fly principal, meaning if there is any indication that they may not be fit for relocation we will seek a fit-to-fly certification from a qualified doctor that sees your loved one. Our caregivers and medical escorts specialize in safe, stress-free transportation for dementia patients, even during emergencies. We ensure that all medical and personal needs are taken care of throughout the journey.

What about medical care in Thailand compared to the U.S.?

  • (This is my favorite question to get.) It’s completely understandable to be cautious when considering healthcare in another ​country, especially when you’ve never traveled there before. But rest assured, Thailand’s ​private healthcare system is renowned for its excellence and meets or exceeds many of ​the standards you’re used to in the U.S.

    • Internationally Trained Doctors: Many of the doctors in Thailand’s top private ​hospitals have been trained or educated internationally, often in the U.S. or Europe. ​This means they are well-versed in global best practices and speak fluent English, ​ensuring clear communication.

    • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Thailand’s private hospitals feature modern technology ​and advanced medical equipment on par with, or in some cases even superior to, ​what’s available in the U.S. Many of these facilities have earned Joint Commission ​International (JCI) accreditation, which holds hospitals to the highest global ​healthcare standards.

    • Trusted by International Patients: Thailand is a top destination for medical tourism, ​with patients from countries like Singapore, Australia, and the Middle East traveling ​here for complex treatments. The trust these global patients place in Thailand's ​healthcare system is a testament to the quality of care available.

    • Exceptional Care at a Lower Cost: One of the most surprising benefits is the ​competitive pricing. You’ll receive high-quality, world-class care at a fraction of U.S. ​costs, without sacrificing any aspect of your loved one’s health and well-being.

    And remember, my own father is receiving dementia care and ongoing cardiac care in Thailand, so I can personally ​attest to the exceptional quality of both the medical staff and the overall care provided.

How do your dementia care facilities handle emergencies?

  • Our facilities are equipped to manage a wide range of emergencies. We have trained staff on-site 24/7 who are experienced in handling medical crises, and each resident has an individualized care plan that includes emergency protocols. In the event of a medical emergency, we coordinate with local healthcare providers, including hospitals and emergency services, to ensure immediate response and care. Many of our residents also wear medical alert devices, and our buildings are equipped with safety features such as emergency call systems in every room. Family members are notified right away in case of any urgent situation. Additionally, we follow strict procedures to handle natural disasters or other unexpected events to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.

What if I can’t wait weeks to make a decision?

  • We understand that time is critical in a crisis. The good news is, our solutions are designed to be flexible. There are no long-term commitments or contracts required—you can make immediate decisions and then reassess over time. Whether your loved one stays for a month, a year, or even longer, you always have the option to bring them back to the U.S. Our team moves quickly to secure immediate care, while ensuring you maintain the flexibility to adjust as circumstances change.

    [Call for Urgent Requests Like This]

Why should I choose care in Thailand over local options?

  • The answers to this question are too numerous to fully address in a FAQ, but the short answer is that Thailand is able to offer better quality care for less than the most basic options available in the US. What’s more, the dementia care facilities we work with in Thailand provide top-tier care at a fraction of the cost of U.S. options, with immediate availability and world-class service. The speed, quality, and affordability make it an ideal choice for even ultra-high net worth families.

How do I begin the process?

  • The best way for most is to Schedule a call and we’ll walk you through the steps needed to transition your loved one into safe, high-quality care. From there, we manage everything—so you can focus on your family, not logistics. (If it’s super urgent then call and leave a message and we’ll call you back asap.)

    [Schedule a call]


Crisis Situations

What should I do when my dementia parent is exhibiting dangerous behaviors like wandering?

  • When a loved one with dementia starts wandering or displaying other dangerous behaviors, it's critical to act quickly and decisively. This indicates that they need 24/7 monitoring to ensure their safety. Our emergency dementia care services offer immediate solutions, providing expert caregivers who can manage the crisis while we arrange long-term care abroad.

  • Next, you will need to secure the broadest possible Power of Attorney if you have not done so already. Power of Attorney (POA) is handled slightly differently in each state, so you will need to Google something like 'durable power of attorney' along with the state where your parent resides. This is easier said than done but will be absolutely crucial moving forward. Note: POA does not remove any rights or privileges from the parent with dementia but instead grants you parallel rights and privileges to manage what they can no longer handle on their own.

  • More often than not, however, fear of guilt and shame creates ambivalence and reticence to act, which further exacerbates already strained situations and removes options from the table by creating acute medical and financial emergencies.

    [Schedule a Call if You're Unsure]

What are my options when my dementia parent can’t live alone anymore?

  • If your loved one can no longer live independently, we offer safe and affordable care options abroad. Our Thailand-based facilities provide personalized dementia care in a loving environment, including 24/7 supervision and support.

    [Find out how we can help your family today]

What are the care options when dementia gets worse?

  • As dementia progresses, specialized care becomes essential—and increasingly expensive. In the U.S., costs typically range from $10,000 to $25,000 per month, depending on location and whether care is provided at home or in a quality facility. However, a more affordable and high-quality alternative is available in Thailand. There, your loved one can receive personalized dementia care in a calm, serene environment, offering both excellent service and significant cost savings.

What’s the best solution for a dementia care crisis?

  • If your family is in a crisis due to sudden dementia progression, our immediate care services can provide relief. We offer everything from 24/7 in-home care to seamless relocation to world-class dementia facilities.

    [Contact us for urgent care solutions]

How can I handle my loved one’s advanced dementia care needs?

  • Handling advanced dementia care alone can be overwhelming. Our specialized services in Thailand ensure that your loved one gets professional, around-the-clock care with a focus on maintaining their dignity and quality of life.


Alternative Care Options

What are some alternative dementia care options?

  • If local care options aren’t feasible, consider relocating your loved one to a dementia care facility abroad. Our facilities in Thailand offer affordable, high-quality care with a focus on personal attention and respect for seniors. While we believe Thailand is the best option, other countries like Mexico, the Philippines, Bali, and Portugal also have viable care options. Additionally, some countries in Eastern Europe, like Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland, are showing future potential for affordable dementia care.

Where can I find affordable dementia care abroad?

What’s a cost-effective dementia care solution?

  • Our dementia care services in Thailand provide a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. With fixed monthly pricing and comprehensive care, your family will have peace of mind.

    [Learn about our pricing and care options]

Are there good dementia care options outside the US?

  • Yes, Thailand offers exceptional dementia care that combines top-notch medical support with compassionate caregiving, all at a fraction of U.S. prices. The facilities we work with in Thailand provide personalized care, with staff who genuinely respect and love the elderly, and the environment promotes a high quality of life—think daily activities, fresh food, beautiful surroundings, and even weekly massages. It's a truly unique option for families seeking better care without the overwhelming financial burden.

    [Explore care options in Thailand today]

What are the best dementia relocation solutions for seniors?

  • Relocating your loved one for dementia care is easier with our full-service solutions. We take care of visas, transportation, and placement in a top-tier care facility in Thailand, ensuring a smooth transition.

    [Learn more about our relocation services]


Caregiver Burnout

How can I manage caregiver burnout while caring for my dementia parent?

  • Caregiver burnout is a common challenge. Our services can provide immediate respite by transitioning your loved one into high-quality dementia care abroad, giving you the rest and peace of mind you deserve.

    [Find relief with our care options]

What can I do if I can’t care for my dementia parent anymore?

  • If you’ve reached a point where you can no longer care for your loved one, we offer comprehensive solutions to ensure they receive the best care in a safe environment. Our Thailand-based facilities are ideal for providing ongoing dementia care.

    [Contact us for support]

How can I reduce the stress of caring for a dementia parent?

  • Reducing caregiver stress starts with finding the right care solution. We provide long-term dementia care in Thailand, where your loved one will be treated with compassion, allowing you to step back from the demands of caregiving.

I feel overwhelmed managing my dementia parent—what help is available?

  • You don’t have to manage your dementia parent’s care alone. We offer immediate caregiving solutions and long-term care options that take the burden off your shoulders.

What are my options for help when managing my dementia parent becomes too much?

  • When managing your loved one’s care becomes overwhelming, our dementia care solutions in Thailand provide professional, compassionate assistance, allowing you to focus on your own well-being.

    [Get help with managing care today]


Financial Concerns

What can I do if I can’t afford dementia care?

  • If you can’t afford dementia care (memory care) in an assisted living facility, or in-home dementia care (which is even more costly), then you’re not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same situation, and for the most part you’re screwed. Your basic “options” are:

    1) Legally impoverish your loved one, e.g. liquidate all assets and spend everything down to zero, and THEN get on a waiting list for public assistance and HOPE that they get accepted into a facility that accepts public assistance as payment, which may take a year or more. Then your reward is you get to feel super depressed because whatever facility they get placed in will be inevitably be understaffed, under funded and smell of urine and disinfectant. Super.

    2) Become a caregiver yourself. While a very noble gesture, all you have to do is join a few dementia and Alzheimer’s Facebook groups to understand the insanity of what that entails. The emotional, physical, and financial toll is overwhelming. You'll be on call 24/7, managing everything from daily care to medical crises, while watching someone you love slip away. Many caregivers burn out, and the impact on your own health and well-being is hard to overstate. It's not just a job, it's a complete life overhaul—and unless you have an incredible support system, the stress will likely wear you down fast.


    3) Consider our affordable care options in tropical Thailand… seriously, what would you prefer? Super friendly Thai people, fresh fruit year round, massages twice a week, walks and activities daily, video calls with your loved ones, visits to elephants and natural wonders? Or being “close” to family and having them sad and depressed every time they visit, with the grandkids watching the clock antsy to leave, because it smells like piss and everyone feels guilty and worried you’re being abused and feeling isolated? I know what I would want for myself and my family.

    [Schedule a Call] OR Check our [Cost] page.

Are there affordable long-term dementia care options?

  • Yes, our long-term care facilities in Thailand offer world-class care at a fraction of U.S. costs, with fixed monthly rates to ensure financial predictability. Check our [Cost] page.

How can I reduce the costs of dementia care for my parent?

  • Moving your loved one to one of our dementia care facilities in Thailand is pretty much the only way to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Our packages include all necessary services at a predictable monthly cost. Check our [Cost] page.

Is dementia care abroad cheaper than in the U.S.?

  • Yes, our dementia care services in Thailand are much more affordable than U.S. options, providing high-quality care at a fixed monthly rate with no hidden costs. Check our [Cost] page.

What are the best ways to reduce dementia care costs?

  • Opting for care in Thailand is one of the most effective ways to reduce dementia care costs while ensuring your loved one receives excellent care. Check our [Cost] page.

What should I do if my dementia parent is living alone?

  • If your dementia parent is living alone and it’s no longer safe, we can provide immediate in-home care while preparing for their relocation to a safe, secure facility abroad.

What are the best options for relocating a dementia parent for care?

  • Our relocation services handle everything for you, from transportation and medical clearances to placement in a top-tier dementia care facility in Thailand, ensuring a smooth and safe transition.

How do I care for my elderly dementia parent alone?

  • Caring for a dementia parent alone is incredibly difficult. We provide professional caregivers who can step in immediately and transition your loved one to a specialized care facility.

How can anyone afford dementia care?

  • Assisted living facilities in the US are incredibly overpriced by any reasonable standard, and dementia care is absolutely out of control! Unless you have long term care insurance (and a very good policy when you actually need it) very few American families can actually afford the care they need.

  • Our dementia care services in Thailand offer an affordable alternative to expensive U.S. care, allowing families to manage long-term care costs without impoverishing your parents or bankrupting yourselves!

    [See how we can help your family afford care].